Governance Guidelines
Editorial Board
The Editorial Board is composed of a group of researchers, including professors and academics, from various national and international teaching and research institutions, with representation in the scientific community. Its operation is not necessarily collective, with no provision for regular meetings or specific agendas, nor any formal link between the members of the Board and the entity responsible for publishing the journal.
The responsibilities of the members include: contributing suggestions to improve Editorial Policies, recommending reviewers, promoting the journal, proposing action and innovation strategies in academic and professional contexts, and addressing ethical issues when requested.
Although it does not interfere with the editorial process, the Editorial Board may be consulted by the Scientific Editor for decisions related to strategic or operational aspects. Its role is to ensure the scientific rigor, precision, and credibility essential to strengthening the journal.
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee comprises experts representing the areas covered by the journal, including members from Brazil and abroad.
Its main purpose is to promote scientific rigor, reliability, and credibility in the editorial process, thereby directly enhancing the trustworthiness of the publications. The Committee is also committed to upholding editorial ethics, meeting the criteria required for indexing in reputable databases, and securing institutional and financial support for the journal's maintenance.
Members act individually and, when necessary, collectively to discuss editorial policies and procedures.
Led by the Scientific Editor, the Committee may be called for meetings to analyze strategic or structural issues related to the journal. Additionally, members may propose themes for special issues or dossiers.
Although the Scientific Committee does not directly interfere in the editorial process, it plays a crucial role in supporting the journal’s ongoing development.
Scientific Editor
The Scientific Editor is responsible for the technical and scientific supervision of the journal, supported by a team that manages the administrative tasks related to the editorial process, conducted through the electronic Open Journal System (OJS), ensuring transparency and impartiality.
The responsibilities of the Editor include:
(i) conducting the initial assessment of manuscripts (desk reject), verifying their compliance with submission guidelines;
(ii) forwarding manuscripts for peer review;
(iii) coordinating the review process; and
(iv) publishing approved manuscripts.
The Scientific Editor also leads the activities of the Scientific Committee and collaborates with the Editorial Board to reflect on the journal’s strategic issues and future directions.