tradução, libras, ensino superiorAbstract
The present study seeks to understand the challenges of TILSP's performance in higher education from a viable perspective of translating and interpreting academic texts in Libras, which ensures legislation to guarantee the educational inclusion of deaf people at the university, as well as its impacts on performance of the TILSP professional since working in higher education requires TILSP to have a set of skills and abilities necessary for a good professional, in addition to good coordination with teachers, in addition to consistent training in terms of mastering the two languages Portuguese and Libras, given that even today, the training of these professionals is insufficient to carry out their activities in Higher Education. Therefore, obtaining a dialogue rich in information that could be anchored on the basis of scientific literature based on authors such as: BRASIL, 201O, CARDOSO, 2019, SIQUEIRA, 2012 among others. This bibliographic work, of a qualitative nature, carried out searches based on a study of articles, books, magazines and documents, available on digital platforms. The results indicate the need to review new concepts, as they show us that despite the fragility of these professionals' training, due to the lack of courses that prepare them to work in higher education, very little is done to remedy this difficulty and the lack of knowledge of teachers in the disciplines. , in higher education. The prototype met the likely desire to discover something new with regard to the role of Libra translators and interpreters at the university level, making it clear that there is a need to expand and deepen research that deals with this relevant topic.
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