CAPES OBEDUC UFMS/UEPB/UFAL Network Project, Mathematics Education, Plane Geometry, Mathematical proofs and demonstrationsAbstract
Our research work investigated the types of 1st year of high school students on mathematical proofs mathematics from the application of a didactic proposal. We chose the theme proofs and mathematical statements as we perceived after realized a review of the literature a gap on this theme in basic mathematics education classes. For this article, we selected two pairs of students who improve their performance in our didactic proposal. We analyzed the responses given by the pair in the Activities 1 and 3 item (d) (Parte II). From the analysis of our data we could conclude that the pair of students is defined in the type of naive empiricism proof proposed by Balacheff (1987), as considered a naive informal test highlighting the verification of some cases and consequent truth of a proposal. In view of this, we believe that it is important to work with proofs and mathematical demonstrations in the classroom, helping the student to get the habit of explaining his mathematical results through hypotheses verified and certified as true in order to form on him or her a critical citizenship and to be able to defend his or her ideas, not only mathematically but also socially.
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