Ligações Covalentes., Ciclo da Experiência Kellyana (CEK), LúdicoAbstract
This article presents the initial results of a research developed in the Professional Practice (IV) discipline of the Chemistry Degree Course at the Federal Institute of Pernambuco - IFPE Campus Vitória, where the discipline aims to study, analyze and develop teaching resources, among which the didactic game will be used in our research. The present study addresses the development, application and evaluation of a didactic game using the Kellyan Experience Cycle (CEK) for teaching general chemistry in high school, in the content of Chemical Bonds (Covalent Bonds) through a situation in which students can understand and differentiate covalent compounds, form structures and learn the octet rule. Analyzing these situations, this work intends to address an intervention with a Didactic Game entitled: Ludo das Ligações Químicas, with 38 (thirty-eight) students from a first-year class at IFPE - Campus VSA. To this end, a game was applied to the students, as well as questionnaires (Q1 and Q2) about the observation and experience of the CEK. As objectives achieved, it was analyzed how much the game helped in the understanding of the contents, since the students understood the covalent bonds in a more fun and attractive way, mainly in relation to the identification of the covalent compounds and their respective structures, thus understanding the octet rule. In addition, we were able to identify from the questionnaires that the students improved their initial hypotheses about the content that was covered in the CEK and solidified their knowledge.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2018 Ayrton Matheus da Silva Nascimento, Welly Evilly da Silva Vieira, Natália Kelly da Silva Araújo, Higor Diego Farias de Melo, Kilma da Silva Lima Viana (Autor)
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