consumerism, environmental degradation, agriculture, public policies, society, fast-foodAbstract
The product until reaching the final consumer goes through a discontinued process in three stages: production, circulation and consumption. In consumption they seek to satisfy their needs. However, several trends have been made over time for consumption by the population to grow. Fast food, industrial production of food prepared in the United States, also uses a strategy to conquer its space. The famous fast, practical and efficient food, which you can eat anywhere, in minutes, gains daily more space in the market and the relationship between need and desire often conflicts. Regardless of what leads to consumption of these foods, the social and environmental impacts of the growth of this consumption affect the planet earth and its resources in the most varied ways. Given this, this work aims to identify the relationship between consumerism related to fast food and the socio-environmental impacts due and also the importance of taking such debates to the classroom, the use of geotechnologies and associations in this scenario. To achieve this, the research is exploratory and descriptive, with bibliographic research as a source of information and data collection. The nature of qualitative research. It is possible to see that the impacts generated by this food system are implicit and related to some of the components included in meals and their predominant way of packaging. Due to these characteristics, the environment has been suffering great deforestation and diverse pollutions. The main author used in the theoretical bases is Silvia Aparecida Guarnieri Ortigoza, who presents great works and reflections in the field of consumption, fast food and changes in socio-spatial due to the existence of these dietary patterns. In view of the generated ones, it is noticeable the existence of a relevant consequence, assuming the importance of reflection on food consumption habits and the responsibility of each citizen for what they eat, since these habits generate consequences and not always positive, which deserve attention on the part nodes and managers. Thus, it is possible to verify that the consumption of fast meals brings negative interference on the environment. The impacts generated on the natural environment can also affect human life.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
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