Chemistry teaching, Didactic game, School scientific languageAbstract
The school scientific language in the chemistry content is full of symbols, formulas and representations that shows the chemical knowledge described in materials and didactic resources used by teachers and students. As we speak in language, it is interesting to write about Vygotsky's studies that point out the importance of the use of language in the process of social interaction and construction of knowledge. In this perspective, we show the didactic games as an activity that promotes the appropriation of the scientific school language in chemistry and that contribute to the students' participation in the class. Thus, the study has the objective of analyzing the role of the didactic game Periodic Race in the appropriation of the symbology characteristic of the content of Periodic Table. This is a qualitative research carried out in two classes in grade 10 at a Secondary School in Salgadinho-PE. The game was proposed by the researchers and applied by the class teacher. We used as instruments the researcher's field diary and interviews with some students. In the analysis of the data constructed, we show the interactions between the teacher and the students in the game and the points of view of the students in the interview. In the course of the game we noticed that the students knew only the most commonly seen chemical elements in their daily life and they presented difficulties in the periodic properties, besides not knowing the importance of the symbology of this content. With the game, the students were able to have direct contact with the Periodic Table, knowing it properly and slowly demystifying the language present in it, understanding that it brings a knowledge based in studies and that effectively contributes to various chemistry contents. Therefore, the use of activities such as the didactic game provides an environment conducive to this appropriation of the scientific school language in chemistry, as well as learning the meanings that demystify the contents' chemistry language.
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