Experience report, Remote teaching, Teaching methodologies, Didactic resourcesAbstract
This article is an experience report with the main objective of discussing the experience of four undergraduate students in Chemistry at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba (IFPB) at João Pessoa campus, during the period provision of non-face-to-face classes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Chemistry Degree course, following institutional guidelines, established the divisions of classes by bloc, in order to ensure a better organization for both teachers and students. In this work, we analyzed the remote activities offered in bloc I, beginning on September 8, 2020 and ending on October 9, 2020 in the following disciplines: Supervised Internship III and IV, Physical Chemistry II and Environmental Chemistry, cataloged in this work as practical, exact and theoretical disciplines, respectively. In this context, the following categories of analysis were listed: duration and organization of classes, teacher's methodology, including didactic resources and discipline evaluation. In view of the characteristics of each discipline, we also analyze how the curriculum components have been monitored in general by the students. Thus, we put on the agenda the main challenges that this modality of education provided us in the face of the new academic reality, which brought us to the reflection that there is a mutual effort on both sides, both by the teacher and the student, but despite this, hardly the losses caused during this period without face-to-face classes and mainly without practical activities for us students in Chemistry Degree, in the laboratory environment and in the classroom as interns will be erased.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2022 Thaiane Freitas Brito de Sousa, Jéssica Mayara Vieira de Araújo, Ana Karolina Vieira de Lima Guedes, Maria Helena Monteiro do Nascimento, Keliana Dantas Santos (Autor)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.