Green Chemistry, Bilingual Audiovisual Material, Chemistry Teaching, nclusionAbstract
Education is a fundamental constitutional right and must be widely accessible to all citizens of Brazil. However, historically, some social groups have been systematically excluded in various spheres, resulting in the ongoing demand for their rights. With the advent of inclusion laws, people with disabilities have increasingly entered all levels of national education. In this context, the Deaf Community (CS) seeks recognition of its specific demands, as well as humanized and specialized care. Therefore, to ensure not only access but also the retention and success of deaf individuals in the classroom, didactic-pedagogical adaptations and resources are needed to guarantee linguistic accessibility, especially in Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS), in all areas of knowledge. In light of this demand, this work describes, based on qualitative participatory research, divided into four methodological stages (Application of a Virtual Survey Instrument (IVS); Development of Bilingual Didactic Videos (VDBs) 1, 2, and 3; Presentation of the VDBs; Application of a Final Virtual Instrument (IVF)), the development and production of bilingual audiovisual materials (Portuguese/LIBRAS) for teaching Chemistry in an inclusive Integrated Technical High School class. The content explores socio-environmental and political themes, such as Green Chemistry (QV) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The data obtained indicate that the use of adapted didactic resources, based on the Metaphor of the Triangular Bipyramid (MBT), promotes inclusive and meaningful teaching for all students. Furthermore, integrating QV and SDGs into bilingual materials results in a more critical, conscious, and accessible education aligned with contemporary challenges.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Júlia Maria Soares Ferraz, Maria Caroline Santos Velozo, José Lucas da Costa Campos, Niely Silva de Souza, Alessandra Marcone Tavares Alves de Figueirêdo (Autor)

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