Evasion, Initial Formation, Mathematics DegreeAbstract
Student dropout is a problem shared by a significant number of undergraduate degrees throughout Brazil. In the Mathematics Degree offered by the IFRN Mossoró Campus, it is possible to identify a high dropout rate, reaching 80% in one of its classes. Given this reality, this qualitative research seeks to identify the factors that influence the dropout of undergraduate students of Mathematics at IFRN Mossoró Campus, seeking to know how these factors were developed and why they became motivators of dropout. For this, it makes use of varied data collection strategies, such as: participant observation of reality and application of interviews with the evaded students and the coordinator of the analyzed course. Starting from the premise that multiple factors can influence the decision to drop out, this research showed that dropout in the degree analyzed is the result of a set of personal factors (tiredness, lack of interest, health problems in the family, difficulty in keeping up with the tasks performed. problems, etc.), problems inherent in the functioning of the course (strikes, teachers' work, etc.), associated with the elements inherent in the context in which the course is inserted, highlighting the low professional expectations and the possibility of studying in another institution, in a course with greater social valorization and with better salary perspectives. We consider that the dropout in this course could be reduced by developing a set of actions within the institution itself, such as: the presentation of the possibilities offered by the course and the teaching profession upon the arrival of students to the degree; monitoring student attendance and performance, diagnosing any problems that may lead to dropout; the dialogue between the pedagogical sector and the student who intends to evade, aiming to avoid dropout; and student involvement in teaching, research and extension activities, with scholarships for all students who participate in these activities. Associated with the actions developed by the institution, we consider that actions are necessary to promote the social valorization of the teaching profession, with emphasis on the salary increase, the improvement of the working conditions and the teacher training. Without the development of actions that promote the social enhancement of the teaching profession, Brazil will continue to see a reduction in the number of high school graduates interested in pursuing a degree and the teaching profession will continue to be considered by many teachers as only a provisional activity.
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