Inorganic Functions, Acids, CEK, Didactic Game, Elementary School IIAbstract
To use didactic games in the classes of science of the nature is a challenging experience, specifically for the discipline of Chemistry, since it is necessary to create a synapse between the ludic and the theory, inserting symbology, images, nomenclatures, formulas and keywords to interconnect the topics concepts. This research shows the elaboration until the experience of a didactic game, called "The Search for Acid" using as a methodology the CEK (Kellyana Experiment Cycle) proposed by George Kelly (1963). This game is directed to the students of Elementary School II (9th Grade) and / or High School, in the content of Inorganic Functions prioritizing the function "acids", in order to identify (i) the number of ionizable hydrogens, ii) number of elements, (iii) presence of oxygen, (iv) strength of acids and (v) naming the acid. This teaching object was conceived by the International Institute for Awakening Vocations (IIDV) linked to the International Program for Vocational Education and Training (PDVL) articulated to the Teaching Games Working Group (GT) in Chemistry Teaching, and the experience was carried out in a group of 9 year of elementary school II of the College Projection, in which she is a partner of the program, in the city Vitória de Santo Antão - Pernambuco. Thus, we use as a methodological framework the Kellyana experience cycle (CEK), which is based on George Kelly's Theory of Personal Constructs (1963). Therefore, it was applied the play activity with the students and applied questionnaires on the experience of the Experience Cycle. The obtained data were obtained using the CEK, in which the first stage detected some errors of concepts referring to the classifications and nomenclatures of the acids, in the explanation of the content (second stage) were listed some acids for identification and naming, in the third stage in the experience of the In the fourth stage (confirmation or disconfirmation) were apices of correct answers and errors where some acids were inserted for the students to respond and to perceive that the experience with the ludic gave the opportunity to learn and understand the and it was notorious that 93% of the students answered the examples, and finally, there was the moment of reflection where we can perceive that the students liked the playful moment, and that the appropriation of the basic concept was reassessed and affirmed, with the intention to solidify the ideas acquired in the intervention.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ayrton Matheus da Silva Nascimento, Danielly Francielly dos Santos Silva, Gabriela Rejane Silva de Medeiros, Natália Kelly da Silva Araújo (Autor)
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