Doppler Effect, Teaching Physics, Information and Communication TechnologiesAbstract
The Doppler effect is characterized by the change in frequency perceived by a receiver from the relative movement of sound wave sources, but which can be extended to other types of waves, including electromagnetic waves. This article aims to explain this phenomenon, from an approach that indicates the importance of its description, in order to integrate such knowledge in the teaching context in a more practical way. Therefore, we also present an effective teaching proposal through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). The exposed article is based on the condensation of knowledge based on the Doppler effect and its consequences, which culminated in the development of numerous areas that cover the scope of physics, and the evolution of modern theories that were only possible due to the discovery and study of this phenomenon. This information is explained with the intention of being used in Physics Teaching together with the use of ICTs, instigating the curiosity of students in the classroom. Briefly, this article contains a description of the basic concept that permeates the Doppler effect, the development of particular and general equations through images and analogies that simulate everyday cases and a sample of a simple experiment using electronic device applications, which can be used as a didactic resource in the classroom, enabling the visualization of this phenomenon in a practical way. Finally, we make an explanation about applications in aeronautics, analyzing aircraft that exceed the speed of sound, and in the field of astronomy, approaching the proof of the expansion of the universe through Hubble studies. In light of the above, it is concrete to ratify that describing such a phenomenon was of great relevance to the development, including of modern physics and science as a whole, and that this special phenomenon can be detailed, experienced and visualized in a teaching context using ICTs as a way of to instigate the knowledge of the students about the studied subject and its wide applications.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2021 Marcos André Araújo de Sousa, Bruno Carvalho Silva, Lucas de Moura Santos, Emanuel Veras de Souza (Autor)
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