DOI: clave:
Financial education, High school, Family budgetResumen
It is of fundamental importance that Brazilian school institutions are concerned with financial education in people's daily lives, since this is indispensable in everyday decision-making, both school and family, because much of what is learned in the school context, is practiced at home. In this sense, the basic question raised for this work is: how to propose a financial education that favors discussions about the family budget of high school students in Brazilian schools? One of the aspects that needs to be pointed out is the problem related to the quality of students' decision-making, with regard to financial education, whether in the formal or non-formal context of teaching. The current situation points to a very significant number of people who have financial defaults, failing to meet their monetary commitments. Thus, in order to maximize studies on this theme, the work sought to collect information and trends on this theme on the national scene, through a bibliographic article, focusing on academic productions related to financial education and aimed at high school. The aim of this study was to show the importance of working on this topic with high school students, the habit since adolescence of having a healthy financial life, which later in adulthood will be put with more practice and experience.
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Derechos de autor 2020 Patrícia da Silva Sá Sartório, Airton José Vinholi Júnior (Autor)
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