Financial Math, Critical Math Education, Applications of Mathematics in everyday lifeAbstract
The present paperwork aims to verify if and how the students of the 2nd Grade of High School, from 13 (thirteen) state public schools in Campo Grande/MS, apply the knowledge on Financial Mathematics learned during the 1st Year of High School; and how the empirical knowledge of the subject influences the learning and application of the formal (scientific) elementary concepts of Financial Mathematics in the daily lives of these students. Permeated by an applied research, with a quali-quantitative approach, the main methodological procedure consisted in the application of questionnaires, through Google Forms platform, which involved three different levels of approach, applied to High School students who attended the 1st Grade of technical courses, in Administration subareas, in public schools of Mato Grosso do Sul state, in 2020. The light of Critical Mathematics Education subject carried out the data analysis. What was observed is that, in general, the pre-existing empirical knowledge influences the formal learning and that, in this way, what is learned at school is not practiced in the daily lives of students.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ivonete Melo de Carvalho, Airton José Vinholi Júnior (Autor)

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