Ervas Medicinais, Ethnic-Racial Intersectionality, Inclusive Education, Chemistry Teaching, Traditional KnowledgeAbstract
This study investigates ethnic-racial intersectionalities in the use of medicinal herbs in school communities, analyzing how these practices connect to the cultural identities of students and their families. By applying questionnaires to middle school students, data on the frequency of use have been collected, factors that influence the education of students and perceptions related to their sustainability, effectiveness and cultural role. The results reveal a strong influence of traditional knowledge, transmitted predominantly through family networks, highlighting the relevance of care and ease of access as main criteria for the use of plants. However, gaps such as the absence of consultations with health professionals and limited awareness of the risks associated with the use of drugs indicate the need to increase awareness about safety and contraindications. The analysis also revealed a coexistence of modern and traditional practices, with many families using drugs together with conventional medications. Furthermore, embodras cultural practices related to ervae are valued, many participants indicate that these traditions are only remade or respected by society. These points reinforce the importance of integrating this knowledge into formal teaching, especially in the discipline of Chemistry, where it is possible to explore topics such as the chemistry of bioactive composts, drug interactions and sustainable management practices. The article proposes that Chemistry teaching can act as a transformative tool, promoting an inclusive and anti-racist education to value ancestral knowledge and its intersection with science. Even interdisciplinary projects that connect tradition and modernity can strengthen the cultural identity of students, at the same time encouraging a critical and scientific view on the use of medicinal herbs. Finally, the study addresses the need for future research that deepens the relationship between cultural practices and modernization, expanding the dialogue between science, culture and sustainability in the school environment.
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Conference Proceedings Volume
Copyright (c) 2024 Ayrton Matheus da Silva Nascimento, Adrielly Katharine Barbosa Ferreira Nascimento (Autor)

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